Our Services

What can Hayat offer you?

Stress management

Witnessing the recent changes around the world, the feeling of physical and emotional strain had been quite prominent. This feeling of being overwhelmed and incapability to cope can advance from any event or thought that is defined by frustration, nervousness or anxiousness. To overcome with this strain, there is a wide range of techniques and psychotherapies which have in view the various ways of controlling and dealing with stress.

  • This management of stress is key to build on one’s resilience and assist them to break the bag of submerged and overloaded stress which is generating a major declination in the work and daily functioning scale.
  • If the stress is not attended at the right time, the effects on the body will be on high alert and can be gradually leading to chronic stress and serious mental and physical health issues.
  • The major purpose of Stress management techniques to reset the alarm system of an individual.
  • Nevertheless, having some amount of stress is helpful (Eustress) but developing a skill of managing stress in everyday life is crucial asset in current scenario.
  • We, at Hayat- The existence, focus on building the skill and help individual understand the cause of vicious chain of stress. We have various series of tests that are conducted and on the basis of the scores obtained the treatment plan is formulated which include various techniques like Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Bibliotherapy, Art therapy, Dance Movement therapy and so on. For detailed information contact on the number provided.

Anxiety management

Any minor change or challenge in one’s life, makes an individual anxious and nervous and gets one into the phase of ‘Fight-Flight’. This phase helps one decided what to do in a particular situation, whether to fight against the challenge and put on the performance or run away the challenge.

  • The feeling of Anxiousness is natural as this helps one build on an experience which is not experienced earlier and help form schemas and beliefs.
  • With continuous exposure of recurring intrusive thoughts occurring for a specific situation, an individual experiences an emotion of intense worried thoughts and tensed feelings with physical alterations witnessed in the form of increased blood pressure, breathlessness and many more.
  • The seeking of help is witnessed when there is hindrance caused in the daily functioning of life.

We, at Hayat- The existence, focus on helping the individual aware of the causal chain of anxiety. Various psychometric and projective tests with intense observation and informal testing are available for knowing the level of anxiety in an individual. The obtaining result from test help formulate a plan of action with incorporation of various psychotherapies like Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Art therapy, and so on. For detailed information contact on the number provided.

Fitness Evaluation

In the ongoing era of pandemic, the realization of fitness and healthy eating had been the focus of concern in most of the population. The concept of eating homemade food and trying new recipes had added to the bliss of home restaurants.

  • With the change in perspective towards fitness and increasing positive concerns and focus towards health and considering health as one their life priority, there are many who had defined fitness based on body weight and shape. For such people evaluation and behavior modification with basic redefining of concepts is necessary.
  • When an individual engages into practices of skipping meals, forceful purging after heavy meals, excessive distress towards calorie counting and many more, that very moment such practices should be given attention and restructuring and redefining should be indulged as they might result into eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorders.
  • We, at Hayat- The Existence, help the individual understand the basics of fitness and the concepts of Body Mass Index (BMI). With the help of evaluation tests, we help individual know about their attitude towards fitness and help restructure their distorted thoughts towards body shape and body weight. Various psychotherapies are incorporated in the plan of action along with nutrition chart like Acceptance and Commitment therapy, Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Dialectal Behavior therapy. For detailed information contact on the number provided.

Remedial Education

The word remedial had been derived from the Latin word ‘remedium’ which means cure or remedy. Remedial Education is known by various other terminologies like Academic Upgrading, Compensatory Teaching, Correction Teaching, Development Education, Basic Skills Education and Preparatory Education.

  • It portrays its significance in the journey of development of children who lags behind their peers in areas like emotional, behavioral and learning issues.

This variation of education focuses on educating a child which faces difficulty in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills wherein the reasons of difficulty included poor memory, poor comprehension, lack of motivation power and self- confidence, difficulty faced in understanding new or abstract concept, weakness witnessed in problem solving and attention, lack of creativeness, forgets quickly, giving slow

  • response and making spelling mistakes and portraying a fear towards subject.
  • The sole objectives of Remedial Education is to remove stress and the problem regarding language, enhance learning interest and motivation and focusing on development of ability, skills, quality and generatic skills, interpersonal skills, communication, problem solving and independent thinking skills with Empathy.
  • We, at Hayat- The Existence, help the children build up on their under-developed skills with the assistance of Psychological Assessment. Psychological Assessment helps us identify and analyze the areas of concerns. Our team with the help of the assessment explores and evaluates the factors which are limiting in the child and prepare Information Education Plan with application of Remedial Education. For detailed information contact the number provided.


Counselling is a form of ‘talk therapy’. It is a process where an individual, couple or family meet with a trained professional counsellor to talk about issues and problems that they are facing in their lives. Professional counselling is confidential and non-judgmental.

It focuses on how people function both personally and in their relationships at all ages. Counseling psychology addresses the emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns people may have at different stages in their lives, focusing on typical life stresses and more severe issues with which people may struggle as individuals and as a part of families, groups and organizations. Counseling psychologists help people with physical, emotional and mental health issues improve their sense of well‐being, alleviate feelings of distress and resolve crises. They also provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of more severe psychological symptoms.


Specialized Knowledge:

Across all stages of development (i.e., childhood, adolescence, adulthood and older age), counseling psychologists focus on:

  • Healthy aspects and strengths of clients (whether being seen as individuals, couples, families, groups or organizations).
  • Environmental/situational influences (how cultural, gender and lifestyle issues shape people’s experiences and concerns).
  • Issues of diversity and social justice (e.g., advocacy). The role of career and work in peoples’ lives.

Problems Addressed:

The problems addressed by counseling psychology are addressed from developmental (lifespan), environmental and cultural perspectives. They include, but are not limited to:

  • School and career/work adjustment concerns.
  • Making decisions about career and work, and dealing with school‐work‐retirement transitions.
  • Relationship difficulties‐including marital and family difficulties.
  • Learning and skill deficits.
  • Stress management and coping with negative life events.
  • Organizational problems.
  • Dealing with and adjusting to physical disabilities, disease or injury.
  • Personal/social adjustment.
  • The development of one’s identity.
  • Persistent difficulties with relating to other people in general.


Skills & Procedures Utilized

The procedures and techniques used within counseling psychology include, but are not limited to:

  • Individual, family and group counseling and psychotherapy.
  • Crisis intervention, disaster and trauma management.
  • Assessment techniques for the diagnosis of psychological disorders.
  • Programs/workshops that educate and inform the public about mental health, school, family, relationship and workplace issues so that problems can be prevented before they start or reduced before they get worse.
  • Consulting with organizations.

Career Counselling

How dreadful it is to find an appropriate reply for the question students in 8th to 10th std often hear. We get it, you’re in your teenage years which are supposed to be fun and you are making life defining decisions.  What if we told you it’s not supposed to be this scary, there

is another ( a much more simpler and not so complicated) way towards achieving your goals and building your dream life.

Career counselling is when a professional sits with you, discusses and plans pathways which will lead towards your dream life.  It consists of exploring your interests and abilities, strategically planning and identifying what your next steps should be.

Our team at Hayat the existence,  includes professionals that are trained and they can assist you very well.



Sad news is we have no magic spells or the sorting hat yet with us. However, the good news is we do have some tests and activities which help in understanding skills, personality and also the most important component,  interest of the child.

This step is called the ” Career Evaluation” , during which we conduct 3 tests assessing what skills you already possess,  what your personality is like and what activities do you enjoy most.

After the completion of the evaluation phase we discuss the reports with you and your parents.

Behaviour Management

Ever wondered “Why is my child not listening to me?” or ever felt “my child is getting out of hand” and you feel like you’ve tried and tested almost every technique that you’ve picked up from either your parents or what your neighbors have told you to do?

We understand that your child is behaving in challenging ways and it is getting difficult to manage them. It is not your fault, neither it is your child’s fault.

Behaviour management is about adapting new and healthy ways to react and behave, while unlearning the old and destructive ones. Children have difficulty at times in expressing what they are feeling. They are still exploring the wheel of emotions they feel. For instance, a baby knows only 2 ways of expressing his feelings either by crying or by laughing, if the baby is hungry, sleepy, needs a diaper change or

missing his mother or bored they’ll just cry and if they like you, or find you funny like a clown they laugh.

It just gets a little more complicated with age.

What we do?

We give our clients a safe space to vent out their thoughts and feelings we help

Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments are a combination of psychological testing and report formation. These assessments are usually carried out by skilled mental health professionals like psychologists, who use an array of tools and techniques of Psychology to know more about a person, their interpersonal functioning as well as to predict future behaviors about this individual.

As a process it is very rigorous and scientific, which requires time as well as skills. To reinforce these assessments, standardized testing is also utilized. Assessments can be of various types, such as:

Behavioral Assessment

It mainly includes informal observation of the client and an attempt is also made to understand the client’s behaviors and behavioral deficits. In clinical testing, these preliminary observations, helps one to understand and identify areas of concern and accordingly to plan intervention strategies.

Personality Assessment

Personality assessments have more to do with identifying a clients’ personality traits and dispositions and how some of those traits could be dysfunctional and hampering their daily functioning.

Assessment of Intelligence

Intelligence assessments are mainly conducted with the child population, who may not have reached their developmental milestones and could be facing learning deficits, or are “slow learners”. Intelligence testing is robust in identifying these deficits, to curate and identify future paths of learning.

Projective Tests

Projective tests in Psychology mainly involves presentation of ambiguous stimuli, promoting responses that taps into the unconscious bits of an individual’s personality. It is based on an internal mechanism and signifies projection of internal attitudes, traits and behavioral patterns.

Two of the most famous projective tests used in Psychological practice includes Rorschach’s Inkblot test (which involves presentation of inkblots) and Thematic Apperception Test, i.e. TAT (which involves presentation of enigmatic pictures). Child Apperception Test, i.e. CAT is the children’s version of TAT.

Other well known projective tests include Draw A Person Test, House-Tree-Person Test and Kinetic Family Drawing Test.


For individuals diagnosed with severe mental health concerns, along with pharmacotherapy, i.e., medications, Psychotherapy is essential for long-term remission from the disorder. Psychotherapy can be one-to-one, in group also via tele-counseling or video platforms.

Psychotherapy helps and aids therapists to:

  • Know more about the client’s symptomatology
  • Identifying and understanding therapeutic goals
  • Constructively deal with severe mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, etc
  • Work on fluctuations of mood
  • Change frame and thought of thinking
  • Inculcate positive behaviors
  • Develop an individual’s overall well-being
  • Develop social as well as interpersonal skills
  • Emphasis on intrapersonal growth


Some of the major types of psychotherapies include:

  • Humanistic
  • Insight-oriented
  • Cognitive-Behavioral
  • Systemic
  • Expressive
  • Transpersonal