Mental Health

Breaking the Stigma : Knowing when to seek Therapy and Prioritising your Mental Health

All humans experience various difficulties in life, and occasionally we need support from professionals to get through them. Although consulting a psychologist can make a person feel nervous, it is necessary for our mental and emotional well-being. I’ll go over when to get help from a professional and why is it important to seek help in this article.

It is a brave act to seek expert assistance rather than a sign of weakness. It demonstrates your willingness to take charge of your mental health and strive for a better tomorrow. A psychologist is a mental health specialist who focuses on the identification, management, and prevention of emotional and mental illnesses. They employ a variety of approaches, including talk therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and psychoanalysis, to assist patients in resolving their issues. Many mental health conditions, such as anxiety, sadness, trauma, and addiction, can be helped by psychologists.

Indications You Should Seek Professional Assistance

  1. Experiencing Overwhelm: It could be time to seek professional assistance if you feel unable to cope with daily life and overwhelmed. Several various occurrences, including the loss of a job, a divorce, or a significant change in one’s life, can cause this emotion.
  2. Always Having Negative Thoughts: If you discover that you are continuously thinking negatively and are unable to overcome them, it might be time to seek professional assistance. They can be negative, self-deprecating, and detrimental to your mental well-being thoughts.
  3. Difficulty Everyday Life: If you are having trouble managing daily activities like going to work or school, it may be time to seek professional assistance. This can indicate a mental health problem that has to be handled on a deeper level.
  4. Relationship Problems: It may be time to seek professional assistance if you are experiencing relationship problems, such as a lack of communication with your partner or a sense of disconnection. A psychologist can assist you in resolving these problems and enhancing your interpersonal interactions.
  5. Traumatic Experiences: It’s crucial to get professional assistance if you’ve gone through a traumatic experience, such as abuse, assault, or a natural disaster. Trauma can affect one’s mental health for a very long time and could possibly lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

What to expect during your first session ?

We understand how stressed one might feel, before entering the psychologists office. During the first session, the psychologist will ask you questions about the reason of seeking counselling/psychotherapy, about you, your routine, your family, your relationships and your work. It doesn’t have to be only the psychologist asking the questions, the first session of the counselling is about getting to know each other. It is an opportunity to ask questions and get to know your psychologists.

Different therapy approaches

CBT is a type of therapy that enables you to recognise unfavourable thought patterns and swap them out for more helpful ones. It is frequently used for managing depression and anxiety.

Psychodynamic therapy concentrates on hidden emotions and thoughts that can be influencing your behaviour. Relationship problems and trauma are frequently treated with it.

Humanistic therapy places a strong emphasis on the value of self-awareness and individual development. It is frequently utilised to assist those who are struggling with their relationships and self-esteem.

Kindly note, there are a number of other therapeutic interventions which can be made use of.

Advantages of seeking help

  1. Finding expert assistance can enhance your mental health and wellbeing, lessen stress and anxiety, and enhance your relationships.
  2. Self-awareness can be improved by working with a psychologist who can explain your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours to you.
  3. A psychologist can assist you in learning coping techniques to manage stress and difficulties in daily life.
  4. A psychologist can assist you in developing effective communication skills and wholesome interpersonal relationships.


Although getting help from a professional is difficult, it is crucial for your mental and emotional well. I urge you to take action and seek assistance if you are exhibiting any of the symptoms listed in this article. Never forget that asking for expert assistance is not a sign of weakness but rather of strength and courage.

Don’t put off taking charge of your mental health and wellbeing any longer.

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