Mental Health

How to manage of social anxiety-7  tips to start tonight 

Table of content  

– What is social anxiety ? 

– How is social anxiety disorder caused? 

– What are the signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder? 

– How is Social anxiety disorder treated? 

– Self-care practices for a relaxed mind 


 What is social anxiety?  

Each one of us gets uncomfortable or a little nervous when we are made to do certain tasks in  public. But, in the case of social anxiety disorder we will get nervous for the simplest tasks like talking  to a cashier or answering a question in class. We will feel nervous even asking for a pen from a  fellow classmate.  

Social anxiety disorder also known as SAD is a chronic mental health condition. It is a condition  in which a person gets nervous or self -conscious in certain situations where we have to interact  with an unknown person.  


How is social anxiety disorder caused?  

It is not fully understood why one develops SAD. There is an ocean of resources available to understand what SAD is and how it effects the individuals, however, the exact cause is yet to be explored.

One of the factors involved is Dopamine,  a neurotransmitter which is responsible for carrying happy signals from the human  body to the brain. However, we were taught by our class 12 biology professor that a decrease in the level  of dopamine in the body causes negative thinking, avoidant behavior and reduced social  interest. 

We can believe there is a link between  dopamine and SAD.  Moreover, researchers have found that several parts of the brain are involved in fear and anxiety that  genetics influence how these areas function. 


What are the Signs of social anxiety disorder?  

While suffering from social anxiety disorder we tend to show certain signs and symptoms when  having to perform or be around others:- 

  • Blush , sweat or tremble 
  • Have a rapid heart rate 
  • Feel sick to the stomach 
  • Speak with an overly soft voice 
  • Find it difficult to maintain eye contact 
  • Avoid going to places where there are other people 
  • Feel mind going blank 
  • Have a rigid body posture

How can social anxiety disorder be  managed  ?  

Social anxiety disorder is treated by Mental Health Professionals such as a psychiatrist ( incase of medications) or  psychologist. 

The first step towards an effective treatment is to get a diagnosis usually from a clinical psychologist. After the diagnosis, psychologists often use different forms of psychotherapeutic interventions. Such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Based Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, etc. 

Relaxation exercises by the Psychologists are also very effective in terms of calming the mind  and body down. Medical treatments from a psychiatrist may include antidepressants or anti anxiety medications.  


Self-care practices for a healthy mind  

Practicing self- care is an essential aspect of our lives. Self-care helps to keep  our mind calm and stress free. By taking time out for ourselves everyday we train our minds to focus on our well being and bring calmness into оur lives. 

Self-care routines to practice for calm and healthy minds:- 

  • Avoid or reduce caffeine 
  • Get enough Sleep 
  • Avoid alcohol 
  • Give someone a compliment  
  • Get directions from a stranger  
  • Eat with a close friend or relative 
  • Practice relaxation exercises. 


Mental Well- Being is maintained  not only with a positive mindset but also with healthy life-style habits. Appreciate the small moments.  


Note : This article suggests tips for individuals suffering from mild episodes of social anxiety. In case the signs are moderate to severe, we recommend you to connect with us on +91 9920928921 or email us at 


Written by Shifa Shaikh 

Co-authored by Kawaljeet Kaur, Practicing Psychologist.

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